Teng Zhou (周腾)


Dr. Teng Zhou is a Full Professor with the School of Cyberspace Security (School of Cryptology), Hainan University. Before that, he was a Lecturer with the Department of Computer Science, Shantou University. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology in 2017, supervised by Prof. Guoqiang Han (韩国强), and obtained his M. Eng. degree from the School of Information Science and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University in 2012 supervised by Prof. Xiaonan Luo (罗笑南), and obtained his B. Sc degree from School of Mathematical Sciences, South China Normal University in 2010.

In the past three years, he has undertaken several projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Foundation, and the "13th Five-Year Plan" project of Guangdong Education Science. He has published about 100 academic publications, which have been cited over 2,000 times. His h-index is 25, and i10-index is 49. One paper has been selected as ESI hot paper, and five are highly cited papers. He also serves as the Youth Editor for Digital Transportation and Safety and Smart Construction and Sustainable Cities, and the special issue editor for the following journals, i.e. Mathematics, Algorithms, Big Data and Cognitive Computing, BioMedInformatics, and Information. During the peried of his Ph.D. candidate, he co-founded Guangdong Jaxus Information Technology Co., Ltd., which was later restructured into Guangdong Jiaqi Technology Education Co., Ltd., which is traded on the National Equities Exchange and Quotations with the stock code 834061.

His research interests cover traffic flow theory, driving behaviors, and medical information processing. Specifically, he focuses on 1) spatiotemporal traffic flow forecasting; 2) neurodegenerative disease diagnosis by molecular imaging; 3) early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease by driving behaviors.

Prof. Zhou is looking for self-motivated graduated students, Ph.D. candidates, and postdoctoral research fellows. Remote cooperation is also welcome.



For undergraduate students

For graduated students


Selected publications

Journal Papers

Conference Papers

Patents (in Chinese)

Supervised Graduated Students (in Chinese)

Supervised Undergraduate Students (in Chinese)
